Minggu, 03 Mei 2015

Together devil subjecting Islam

By: Khoirul Taqwim

The devil is a real enemy for human life and not infrequently Satan deceiving mankind, so follow the footsteps of Satan. So the devil in various ways continually trying to persuade the man to the digression, let alone the devil had promised to continuously look for fellow human beings towards hell.

The existence of the devil is not separated from the supernatural, to uncover why the devil requires a set of comprehension about the existence of the devil himself, in order to discover and uncover the identity of the devil.

Understanding of the devil requires analysis is not simple, but very complex in giving an explanation about the devil, anyway devil is unseen, which are hard to see through the eyes of the senses, but it tends through the inner senses of sight, if humans want to interact with the Devil.

In Islam provides an understanding, that Satan is a real enemy and will always interfere with mankind until whenever and wherever located,  because that is in many ways the devil will try to continually derail humanity toward apostasy.

Menundukkn devil in Islam, of course, to read the Qur'an, then fill in the Qur'an applied in everyday life. Then the devil will not be able to interfere with people mnusia and will not be able to also derail humanity in error.

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